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"I just checked our sales for the month and our gross profit is up by at least 20%. This is almost entirely due to using ServiceShop."
Lori Williams
Gary's Full Service Auto Repair Aurora, CO


Explanation of the new Estimate Totals Box (v90015b)

New fields being listed:

“MPG/h” or Low Gross Profit Warning  and,

“Invoice Adjustment”

The Gross Profit per Actual Hour is listed on the third to the last line. Your “Minimum Profit Goal per hour” or MPG/h number is listed in blue to the right. It is under the word MPG/h.

The new Service Order Totals Box has a line labeled Invoice Adjustment and is filled with a positive number if the invoice is below your minimum goal. This number is the amount that the invoice needs to be changed to meet your minimum profit goal. If you have met or exceeded your goal there will be a $0.00.


I still have some questions.

Look at the Service OrderTotals Window

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